Friday, 19 July 2013

Final security fee collection for the quarter May to August 2013

Dear fellow residents.

Security situation in BP 11
 Residents please be aware that the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) have reclassified Bukit Puchong 2 from a white to grey area. According to sub-inspector Encik Aziz Bin Ali, Ketua Balai Polis, Putra Perdana, the crime rate has increased significantly. In BP 11 in particular, there were a total of 11 reported break-ins the last one year or roughly one per month taking into account unreported cases. Fortunately there was only one serious case of armed robbery at a time when there was a lapse in the originally implemented security system. You must have read of people being followed to their houses and then assaulted with deadly weapons and robbed. Even with our gated and guarded security (albeit not perfect), petty break-ins occur. Imagine more serious crimes being committed if your RA does not get sufficient support to not only maintain and improve the system but has to let it die a natural death. I am sure you will recall the short period when there were no guards and the women and elderly folk felt fearful for their safety especially with the men at work or outstation.
Why your payment is essential:
More importantly, please do your part by paying the fee promptly. The sustainability of our security system is very much dependent on the fees collected.
 As an illustration:  
Our 7 guards are each paid RM6.50 per hour on a twelve hour shift per day = RM546.00 per day.                                            
 On an average 30.5 days per month plus 6% Govt. tax, the total cost per month is RM17,653.00   (excluding cost of rental of potable toilets, utilities and maintenance of the existing equipment).
Assuming a total of 425 units(less vacant and units tenanted to foreigners) and an average collection from 80% of these households, the average monthly collection is RM17,000.00
It is thus a case of “Seperti Ayam, kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang.  
Your Support is crucial to sustain the security service for your home and family.
If you have yet to make payment, a special Final collection has been arranged for you on Sunday July 21 2013 at the Gazebo from 1-5 pm

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan 2013

Satu Tahun Tidak Terasa
Ramadhan 2013  Telah Kembali Mengunjungi Kita
Semoga Yang Dilalui Dan Dilakukan
Menjadikan Kebaikan Di Bulan Suci Ini
Membersihkan Diri Daripada Dosa-Dosa
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin